Prima intrebare : Nu m-am satarut frate..!! sunt mort sa pun vata peste tampon.. sunt lesinat dupa vata peste tampon.. e un fel de sandvis.. cu ketchup.. nu pot trai fara sa pun vata peste tampon.. sunt un inadaptat al timpurilor de azi.. si o pandesc pe nevasta-mea cum o vad cu tamponul fara vata cum sar pe el.. ce intrebare e asta bobo eu am auzit femei care intreaba auzi fata tu mai pui tamponul peste VATA fata???2. De ce sa o inchidem pe Sara? Pt ca daaaa Sara se bese prafff!! )) pe jumatate de masa.. dar nu stiu cum dracu ii iese asta ca e la linie praful ala. Jumatate de masa luceste jumatate s-a basit sara pune rigla si se bese.. nu stiu ce dracu . bine 7 zile are si timp sa se bese la linie.. ! Multumesc pt invitatiiii!!! )))))))
, Could you Test Stiletto Claws?Donned simply by celebrities just like Rihanna, Beyonceacute, ; , Adele and also Lady Gaga, stiletto claws certainly are a craze in which displays simply no indications regarding passing away. These kinds of paws usually are artificial, , and so are minimize and also registered to make a spot. For the particular best moment, My partner and i has been in opposition to this sort of claws; My partner and i totally resented pointy finger nails. My partner and i adored whilst still being carry out possessing square-shaped claws. My partner and i simply got any tast
moncler - Tuesday 15 October 2013 10:00
Merci à Régine et Damien B. pour ce beau portrait d’un prince qui est parti trop tôt. (Il me semble que devenu Tzar, le pays aurait évolué d’une autre manière, mais se perdre en conjoncture ne sert à rien).