olivierm dit :Excellent jeu de pichenettes se foandnt sur plusieurs sce9narios assez libres d'une dure9e oscillant entre 30 et 90 minutes au plus (le nombre de tour est limite9 e0 10).De9placement de pion perso, shoot sur adversaire, re9cupe9ration d'or, de dynamite ou de flingue, explosion de be2timent e0 la dynamite, attaque e0 la gatling sont au programme.De9cors extra, tour de jeu rapide, points de vie assez nombreux pour que tous finissent la partie avant la fin du dixie8me tour e0 moins d'eatre tre8s malchanceux JIM, l'auteur (photo 4). Jeu pre9vu en sortie au plus tf4t en Juin de cette anne9e chez Blackrock editions. Le proto en jette un max. 3 partis e0 mon actif sur autant de scenarii diffe9rents avec 4, 5 et 6 joueurs.Vraiment bien Quant au nom . Je ne m'en souviens plus! ^^
Womens Ray Ban Sunglasses - Wednesday 07 May 2014 15:49
In 2012, revenues increased 19.3%, also excluding currency effects. In 2011, revenues grew 13.7%, but without acquisitions and currency effects, the adjusted growth rate was 10.8%. SG expenses, as a percentage of sales, consistently remained around 43%. RL currently only generates 13.1% of its revenues from Asia, so its May 2011 AsiaPacific Restructuring Plan and ECommerce Expansion has significant upside potential. However, I am still skeptical of the efficacy of RL's AsiaPacific Restructuring Plan since, despite the 46% increase of sales in 2012 in Asia, sales in Asia fell 6% in 2013. COH revenues, if 4Q2013 analyst revenue predictions are correct, will increase 6.1% in 2013. The previous year, sales, without currency effects, increased 13.6%, and in 2011, 13.3%. SG expenses also remained consistent, at 41%. The majority of sales (89%) are made in Hong Kong, Macau, mainland China, Singapore, Taiwan, and through the internet. Since COH already operates in highergrowth markets, expansion would need to be made in lessattractive emerging markets. Along with slowing topline growth, COH may find it difficult to increase sales.
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